Saturday, July 30, 2011

What I Think Of When Nothing's Right.

Things I Love:

*cracking my back after work...sooo relaxing.
*the burn of really strong liquor.
*fresh music on my ipod.
*getting coffee with sian the morning after a big night & random trips to maccas for coffee at 9 @ night and trips to the supermarket cause we don't have marshmallows for our hot choc & our good ol' movie days during holidays :)
*hours of driving to random places with nicole & singing at the top of our lungs along to the CD in the player.
*talking like a gangsta with kirra.
*a uni bakehouse pie.
*chocolate covered coffee beans in lectures.
*new albums from my favourite artists.
*new seasons of my favourite shows on DVD.
* a total fan of playing pool.
*grandma's gravy.
*mum's fried rice.
*sian's mum's quiche.
*thinking up new story ideas.